
Teaching Grammar with Dialogue - Collective Nouns

Greeting, This is a grammar lesson focusing on Collective Nouns using Dialouges. Thanks for viewing. Hau

Making Connections: Grammar and Everyday Experiences


Learning MEME

My ALT TAG would be an image next to the paragraph with students eating and has an imgage caption as "unforgetable."

The Pros and Cons of Digital Writing

  The Pros and Cons of Digital Writing             Writing is a form of expression that has started in as early as 3400 B.C. with the Mesopotamian cultures in Sumer near the Persian Gulf.   People in other cultures and societies in China, Egypt, and Mesoamerica, including Mexico, Costa Rica, and other Latin American countries, began to revolutionize their expressions with writing in forms of books, glyphs, symbols on stones or rocks, wooden tablets, cuneiform script, pictographs, reed stylus, tokens, logography, the alphabets (Wright), and digital forms.    Despite the forms and styles of writing, people have used writing to express themselves across time and space for many intentions, ranging from trading to everyday conversation with family members.   With the advancements of technology, writing has revolutionized to meet people’s needs, wants, interests, adaptations, progress, innovation, power, ideas...