Grammar for the Importance!

The Importance of "Importance" - Topline Strategy

Writers and speakers have different ways to present their points of views. Some use simple, complex, compound, complex-compound, and periodic sentences. Other speakers and writers use long sentences to express their thoughts. 

For example, one speaker may say, "The cost of higher education continues to rise." A different speaker may make the statement longer to add emphasis to the thought: "The cost of higher education continues to rise due to inflation, global crises, and market demand."

One speaker may go directly stating the important point: "In this high-tech age, friends stay in touch easily." In this perspective the speaker stresses the important point at the beginning of the message about high-tech era. A different speaker may say, "Friends stay in touch in this high-tech age because technology is easily accessible for many people whenever and wherever possible."

Poetically capturing catchiness (part 3) — Wordsmith - Copywriting and  Speechwriting in Hong Kong

By nature, I am a generous person in many aspects. As a classroom teacher, I have been generous in my passion to teach students.  To be a generous person, I spend extra time preparing my lessons for the students, buying resources out of my own money to support my lessons, looking for new ways to make teaching and learning more engaging, meaningful, and relevant for students, integrating technology, communicating with parents, and documenting students' work. 

The Importance of Being Generous - Masonic Villages of Pennsylvania

Works Cited

Weinstein, Lawrence and Finn, Thomas. Grammar Moves: Shaping Who You Are. Pearson Education, Inc. 2011.



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